Intuitive tarot coach and CBT Therapist

Start your healing journey

With CBT-therapy, tarot readings and coaching, we will open up the dialogue with your subconscious and heal your traumas.

I specialize in longer treatments so you will have time to go in depth with your queries.

I will be your partner, companion and biggest cheerleader on your healing journey.

(Languages: Swedish and English speaking clients)

tarot readings - cbt therapy - coaching


Do you feel stuck emotionally? Are you battling with depression or heavy emotions? Do you feel like you don't have control over your life? There is a way out.

Change your life

Client CE: Making the choice

I'm going through a journey of change right now where I've chosen to quit my job to be able steer my own life to a greater extent. Letting go of demands and 'have to's' is both empowering and sometimes difficult and it comes with a lot of doubt. Camilla's advice via the tarot cards has helped me a lot with guidance, answers and also to strengthen the decisions on my way forward. This is something I am extremely grateful for and I kept daring to want and continue towards a life that is both calmer, healthier and better/CE

Going for the deeper meanings

Client KB: Understanding life

I've hade tarot coaching from Camilla several times and I'm always amazed, I am so fascinated by her accuracy, intuition and how she interprets the cards in a beautiful way. Many times it has been pure magic with reality present. It has given me a direction and greater understanding of me, my life and what is around me/KB

Personal development

Client UL: Finding myself

Camilla's readings have really helped me to interpret my situation during a period when I felt low and unsure about most things in life. It gave me increased insight into my own strengths, opportunities and resources and has helped me navigate life's winding road/UL

Camilla - TarotGarden

Client treatments since 2012 as life coach.
Certified CBT-therapist and certified intuitive tarot reader. Tarot courses and mentor for beginners.

Education: PCC-coach (Leapfrog) CBT-therapist (Sverigehalsan)
Tarot-coach (Singing Soul, Josefin Eriksson, step 1 and 2)
(Tarot of Becoming, Carolyn Ayres, The tree of life)

45 min coaching: SEK 1500. EUR 150. 
12 sessions of coaching: SEK 17000. EUR 1700.

 (Swish 123 615 08 17, PayPal)